Lighting Fixture - 灯饰
cold flow mark 冷塑痕迹(拉痕)
defective stamping 冲压不良
glass panel cut crooked 玻璃切割弯曲
glass panel out of square 玻璃不规则(歪斜不直)
gouge mark 凿痕
holes improperly drilled 孔眼钻的不对
insufficient plating 电镀不足
lamp stand tilted after assembled 安装后灯站立倾斜
machining mark 车痕
screw stripped 缺螺纹
poor porosity holes 疏松多孔
poor rolling edge 卷边不良
rough planting 镀层粗糙(镀前未抛光清洗)
seam mark exposed 少锡漏缝
spinning lines 旋压线
wrong finish 表面处理错误
"obvious shrinkage or deformation
on surface of plastic or metal parts" "金属/塑料表面有明显
grinding mark 磨痕
bulbs on holder poorly assembled (灯座上)灯泡安装不良
plug rusted 插头生锈
figures poorly shaped 成形不佳
incorrect sequence of color 彩灯顺序不对
scratch on color bulbs 彩灯刮花
bulb can on light up 灯泡不亮
flash light no function 闪光灯无功能
abnormal noise in music box 音乐盒内有异常噪音
wrong music melody 音乐曲调不对
live and neutral wires short in circuit 火线和中线短路
bulbs too dim 灯泡过于黯淡
broken light bulbs 灯泡破
"incorrect size, watt and style of
bulbs used" 灯泡尺寸,瓦数,款式不对
"design finish, color of lamp and shade
not according or SPEC(smoked,white,ect)" "灯,灯罩的款式,
"design and color not consistence
for all lamps of same style" 同一款式灯之间的设计及颜色不对
"floor lamps cannot stand vertically
with leaning or falling over" "落地灯站立不直,
shade cannot fit bulb properly (loose) 灯罩于灯泡不配(太松)
missing UL label on product 缺UL标
smoking from light bulb or other electrical areas 灯泡内或其它用电区域冒烟
overheating 过热
assembled parts not secure 配件组装不牢固
glass not secured in shade 灯罩内玻璃固定不牢
sharp edges on shade 灯罩有锐边
stained glass pieces not neatly placed on shade 灯罩彩色玻璃排列不整齐 cup
shade 灯罩
font 灯罩底盘
baffle 灯罩障板
harp 灯罩架
arm 灯臂
bobeche 灯杯
bulb 灯泡
bulb holder 灯座
sconce 陶瓷壁灯座
socket 灯头
socket cover 灯头盖
socket cap 灯头帽
ceramic socket 陶瓷灯头
cluster 灯簇
cluster stem 灯簇柱
goose neck 鹅颈
frosted glass 磨砂玻璃
frosted glass dome 磨砂玻璃圆顶
glass decoration 玻璃装饰
glass shield 玻璃罩
head joint (灯与柱)的连杆
upper stem/pole 上柱
middle stem/pole 中柱
lower stem/pole 下柱
hardware pack 附件
sleeve 套管
candle sleeve 蜡烛套管
hurricane cup 飓风杯(蜡烛套下之小灯杯)
snuffer 蜡烛套盖
latch 门闸
Lucite panel 塑料透明挂片
mirror panel 挂镜片
mounting hole 安装孔
mounting plate 安装板
nipple 螺纹套管
nut 螺母
pipe 管道
plastic ring 塑料环
plastic support 塑料支架/架
plug 塞子/插头
power supply cord 电源线
protective glass 防护玻璃
protective ring 保护环
reflective panel 反光面
reflector 反光镜
adjusting handle 调节手柄
anchor 膨胀螺丝
back plate 背板
beveled glass edge 玻璃斜边
brass channeling 铜条
brass coupling 铜连接头
canopy 天房盖
ceiling pan 吸顶盘
chain 链条
clip 夹片
cone 圆锥/锥面
cord cover 护线盖
cross bar 一字板/十字板
curved tubing 旋转管(花饰)/弯管
dimmer switch 微调开关
distributor 配线盒
electric phenolic 电木圈
finial 顶纽
relamping label 换灯标签
rolled edge 滚边
tightening knob 紧固旋纽
screw collar loop 螺纹套圈吊环
screw collar nut 螺纹环螺母
securing knob 固定旋纽
set screw 固定螺丝
green ground screw 接地绿螺丝
wire nut 接线螺帽
wood screw 木螺丝
spiral ball 麻花螺线球
rubber washer 胶垫片
steel washer 铁垫片
spacer 垫圈
insulation pad 绝缘垫
tab 薄片
diffuser 散射片
ventilation slots 散惹槽
switch box 开关电线盒
swivel 转动接头
wire connector 电线连接器
spoke 轮辐
track 轨道/路轨
tray 托盘
top plate 顶板
adaptor 功能适配器
fitter 机械适配器
polarity test 极性测试
grounding test 接地测试
endurance test 耐力测试
assembly test 组装测试
Hi-pot test 高压测试